Wednesday 3 January 2007

About Thoughts from the head

This is my first entry and I'm a little bit nervous. I visit a fair amount of blogs and it wasn't until this moment that I realised it takes a fair bit of courage to open yourself to the verbal shooting gallery of the blogosphere.

Why start a blog? Well, I don't know if you know this, but I was recently awarded Time's Man of the Year for my impact in the blogosphere, so I thought I'd start a blog and earn that award. Is there a cash prize?

When I was considering the nature of this blog, I didn't want to pigeon hole the content. So I thought I'd just let it become what it becomes. Initially I expect it to be organic until it finds its own identity.

Subjects I may cover might include my thoughts on movie news and information, world events, politics, and whatever else tickles my fancy. I will make a concerted effort not to exploit celebrities or personalities. Celebrity X caught without her knickers or with their fly down is neither newsworthy nor important.

Basically, I think it will be what the name implies - Thoughts from the head - after all that is where most of us do our best thinking. Something about being near a body of water I imagine.

Comments, suggestions and constructive critisism always welcome. Is there anything that someone new to all this should be aware, please let me know. Please and thanks.

Wish me luck!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Welcome to the world of blogging.

Foley gave me the link. I'll be watching with interest.