Thursday 29 March 2007

A small note to Americans

You know, most of the time I hear Americans making a case for ending the Iraqi war, I hear them quote the number of dead American soldiers which I believe is 3244; an unfortunate number in deed. However, and this is just me, but I think one's case for ending the war in Iraq becomes stronger when one addresses the non-American casualties as well. I Hate to be the one to say this, but Americans are also doing the doing the killing there. According to, between 60,187 and 66,050 civilians have died since the military invasion. Seems to me, a number almost eighteen times larger is eighteen times more likely to get your point across. I am not trying to diminish the loss of the Americans, but at the same time, I feel forgetting about the civilian losses does them a disservice. In short Bush is responsible for a lot more death than we give him credit for.


Anonymous said...

My thoughts exactly. I find it appalling and insanely disrespectful to constantly mention the number of dead soldiers and omit the number of Iraqis who lost their lives to this invasion of their country. The Iraqis getting killed are mostly civilians- they are not "casualties" they're tens of thousands of people whose lives were robbed for nothing but western greed. American lives are not more valuable than Iraqi lives, despite what the media continually insinuates, and I'm fed up of reading only military statistics and nothing regarding Iraqi deaths. If anything, they are the ones we should know about, they are the innocent.

wheatgerm said...

Sounds like a number, but like you said probably alot higher. Life is life death is death. No matter how high or low the number is one thing is for certian Iran will come into the picture before the troops will leave.

Hunter said...

well, iraq is too far for the american to feel the pain, sometime, a wppd clog in your eye is much bigger than a tree 1 metres in front of you.. anyway, i wish it will end soon

2Shay said...

Anonymous - Hear Hear!

Wheatgerm - I hope you're wrong Wheatgerm. I remember hearing that was a very strong possibility, but with a democratic controlled senate and congress, I really hope they can subdue Bush's Yee Haa'ing a la Yosamite Sam. At the very least, the house and & senate should be able to stall and buy us some time still someone competent is in the Oval Office.

Wayne - You're bang on right. The American ethno-centricities are to blame for the lack of compassion for anyone other than themselves. (Pardon the gross generalisation.)