Friday 16 March 2007

Writers of Lost (Parody)

For fans of "Lost". It's funny... 'cause it's true. When will "Lost" start tying up loose ends that it began unravelling two years ago?


Anonymous said...

Hehe, I'm only now getting to the end of the first season and I find it upsetting that by the 3rd/4th season they still haven't explained some of that shit. I might have to stop watching before I become very disappointed that there isn't a logical if not supernatural (I hope they don't go there) explanation for everything. Even Lock waking up from a bad dream would be a better ending than a migc turtle/wizard/witch explanation.

2Shay said...

Whoops, didn't realise that everyone might not be all caught up with the show... should have had a spoiler alert - Apologies Al and anyone else.