Monday 17 September 2007

FOX censors Sally Field, but this isn't about that.

By now most of you have heard that Sally Field was censored by FOX, and if you haven't... you have now.

Here's the video...

This is my first video upload, hope it works... if it doesn't here's transcript of the bit I'm referring to.

This is was broadcast

“Surely this [award] belongs to all the mothers of the world. May they be seen, may their work be valued and raised. Especially to the mothers who stand with an open heart and wait. Wait for their children to come home from danger, from harm’s way, and from war. I am proud to be one of those women. If mothers ruled the world, there would be no….“

And this is how it was meant to end.

“…god-damned wars in the first place.”

While most I do abhor the fact that she was censored, it was by FOX, and right now there isn't much they can do to shock me. In fact, let's put it this way, if she wasn't censored, I would have been shocked.

The part I draw issue with is:

If mothers ruled the world, there would be no….“ “…god-damned wars in the first place.”
First, I truly sick of hearing this kind of hyperbole. Talk like this is not only divisive but flies in the face of the true feminist movement. I mean are women looking for equality of superiority?

Second, well for the second part, I'll bet Bill Maher address what she said... This is from Bill Maher's HBO Special "Victory Begins at Home"


Chemical Robotiks said...

you tell her fox. she looked crazy as hell up there anyways

2Shay said...
