Monday, 31 March 2008

Thoughts From The Head Is Being Retired.

Some may be wondering where I have been for the past five weeks. Well now that it's all over, I am finally at liberty to say. I have been embroiled in a legal battle with the Government of Canada, more specifically Immigration Canada.

A brief history - I emigrated to Canada almost fifteen years ago. About six weeks after arriving in Canada, my father passed away from a heart attack. While I have been eligible for Canadian Citizenship for almost a dozen years, or at least I thought I did, loyalty to my birth nation of Kenya has refrained me becoming a Canuck on paper. However after my recently aborted trip to Kenya, my loyalty succumbed to pragmatism and I bit the bullet and applied for Canadian Citizenship. It is just so much easier to travel as a Canadian than a Kenyan.

I received and filled out the forms as directed. I had all my references and guarantors in order and everything was coming along swimmingly... until I received a call from one Ms. Catherine Stewart. It turns out I have been in the country illegally since my father passed away. Apparently, it was my father who actually emigrated to Canada, and I was only allowed in as his dependant. Since he passed away so shortly after our arrival, it invalidated my status here in Canada. The only problem is no told me. I simply slipped through the cracks of the system. I slipped through so many cracks that I never raised any flags when I applied for jobs, filled out my taxes or required health care - Since, my SIN and OHIP have been rescinded.

So I'm on the phone with Ms. Stewart and saying I was stunned would be the understatement of the decade. Luckily, because I had been here so long, and because I had stayed out of trouble, that is to say, no warrants or even a police record, there was an appeals process. So with the aid of an immigration lawyer I appealed and lost. The panel were very understanding, but because I do not possess any "specialised skills" or have no real ties here, such as a partner or children, they could not see why they should let me stay.

They did however, say that once I am back in Kenya, they will allowed me to apply for permanent residency in Canada without prejudice. They will even push me as far to the front of the list as possible, but, I cannot apply from within Canada.

I have until May 31st to get my affairs in order and leave this great nation. I just wanted to take this opportunity to thank everyone who read and contributed to my blog. You will be missed. Take care. If I do begin another blog once in Kenya, I will let you all know. Until then take care and appreciate Canada every single day.

April Fool's


Anonymous said...

I heard about your case through Stam I'm really sorry to hear that you're leaving us. If you need a hand packing or moving, just gimme a shout. Before you go, we must get together and give you a proper send off.

2Shay said...

Thanks a lot dude, I think boys from the bar are planning something, once I have more details, I'll e-mail you with them.

Anonymous said...

Kevin just called me and told me about this. HOLY SHIT!!! If there's anything I can do, please don't hesitate to call.

I can't believe you have to go all the way back just so you can reapply to come back. thats fucking stupid man. Have you tried getting a second opinion about your case? There must be SOMETHING you can do from here?

2Shay said...

Thanks Andy - Dude I've tried everything, I've talked with three lawyers and they all say the same thing. Immigration Canada won't even look at my application if it's filed from within Canada. They won't even issue me a tourist visa. They have set a hard date for May 31st. I just booked my flight, I leave on the 30th. Thanks again for your concerns

Anonymous said...

What about some sort of refugee status? or asylum?

2Shay said...

That was the first thing that occurred to me actually. I thought I might be able to use the election violence of earlier this year to claim either one of those statuses, but Immigration Canada won't even consider it. The violence has abated enough for it to not be severe enough. Asylum can only be considered if I am personally targeted for political or religious reasons or anything of that nature.

Nhi said...

Please tell me this is a bad April Fool's joke....

Anonymous said...

DUDE! A couple of things:

If this is an April Fools joke...NOT COOL!

Otherwise, this really does suck!

I hope everything works out for the best and you can come back to this country ASAP. Although after the winter we've had I'm not sure why you'd want to.

I know that this is probably the furthest thing from your mind right now, but I'm confused as to why you must retire TFTH. I mean, this is the internet, it doesn't matter where you live, you can post from anywhere. You can keep us informed as to your status. You can still entertain and enlighten us with your views. You don't have to give up the blog if you don't want to.

The Chapati Kid said...

WHAT. THE. FUCK?!?!?!?!?!!?!?!?!

I need to talk to you pronto.