Tuesday 5 June 2007

Late Breaking News!

Bush declares Cold War over

Prague - US President George Bush declared on Tuesday that the Cold War has ended and Russia was "not our enemy" and should not be concerned about the extension of the US anti-missile shield in Europe.

"The Cold War is over. It ended. People in the Czech Republic do not have to choose between being friends of the US or friends of Russia. You can be both," Bush said during a joint press conference with Czech President Vaclav Klaus and Premier Mirek Topolanek.

In other breaking news: The North won the Civil War and the Germans Lost WWII. Join us next week where we will examine the applications of the newly invented wheel. Also, don't miss our special report - Advances in Science: Fire


Anonymous said...


Nhi said...

The Yankees won the war? What the heck am I supposed to do with all these slaves?

Obviously a poor attempt on Bush's part to declare victory in some war - ANY war.

2Shay said...

The Yankees won the war? What the heck am I supposed to do with all these slaves?

That is the funNHIest thing I've heard!

Anonymous said...

Nhi... I almost peed - damn that was funny!

Anonymous said...