Sunday, 16 September 2007

I see why road rage exists.

So Darrell and I were booting about the city on Saturday... actually, let me rephrase... So Darrell and I were moving about the city painfully slowly on Saturday. He was driving, while I was riding "shotgun" and I was the one getting my knickers in a twist. By the end of the day I was mother effing this and c sucker that. On more than one occasion I had to mentally slow myself down, find my Chi, and centre it.

Al has already discussed the Toronto Transit Commission's mismanagement here with a lively discussion ensuing. The people I have an issue with are whoever the hell plans roads and highways in and out of the city.

There are far too few arteries flowing in and out of Toronto for a city this size on the average day, however, when there is an event in the city such as the recently completed Toronto International Film Festival or the Home Show, the city grinds to standstill!

It is not as though these are Hailey's comet type events that happen every once in a while. No! These are yearly occurrences. The same can be said when there's a Leaf, Raptors, Jays (well, maybe not the Jays), Argos or Toronto FC game in town. The down town core is gridlocked! Getting on or off the Gardiner anywhere between Bathurst and Yonge is enough of an ordeal to throw a Zen master into a fit of rage. One can only imagine what the city would have become had we been awarded the 2008 Summer Olympic Games.

One of the primary motives for the IOC not granting the City of Toronto the much coveted games was our poor infra-structure. To put it another way, according to the IOC (not that their credibility isn't unblemished), the Toronto road system is worse than the Beijing's pitiful human rights record.

I will concede that not all the traffic problems are the fault of the road network. A fair bit of blame should fall squarely on the some of the drivers in the city.

Making a green light is NOT as important as making it across the intersection.
Switching lanes just to get a car's length ahead is not work inconveniencing three other vehicles.
Indicator (signal) lights do serve a purpose - please use them accordingly.
Sightseeing at the expense of everyone behind you is RUDE

You know, I remember the good ol' days when they made you take a test to get a driver's license. Whatever happened to them? Maybe I'm just getting old...


Anonymous said...

I say mandatory drivers' retesting every 5 years! Sure it will be a cash grab but it might also weed out some of the horrible drivers around here. I'm looking at you Markham!

2Shay said...

The way I see it, it's a safety thing, and the cash grab is a by-product... I don't have a problem with that...