Thursday, 29 November 2007
Wednesday, 28 November 2007
Tuesday, 27 November 2007
Saturday, 24 November 2007
The name should have been a clue!
Cruise Ship Sinks Off Antarctica
BUENOS AIRES, Nov. 23 -- The first cruise ship ever built to ply the frigid waters off Antarctica became the first ever to sink there Friday. The red-hulled M/S Explorer struck ice, took on water as 154 passengers and crew members scrambled to safety aboard lifeboats and rafts, then went to the bottom.
I only make light of this because everyone survived - What the hell are passengers thinking going to the Antarctic in a ship called the M/S Explorer? Of course it's going to crash! That makes as about as much sense as travelling on a passenger jet named M/S Windows or BSD (Blue screen of death). I realise the ship came long before Bill Gates stole his first piece of code... but still!
Friday, 23 November 2007
Noam Chomsky on US policy towards Iran
Noam Chomsky is be far one of the smartest people I have ever come across! This is a MUST watch!
That's it US Government... you never get to tell anyone what to do again!
Middle East,
Noam Chomsky,
Quoting... Ron Paul
"In Washington, lawmakers either want to prohibit something, or subsidize something. How about doing neither, and letting people make the decisions!"
-Ron Paul
When Rob Paul says something like this, he sound less like a conservative and more like a libertarian. Keep at it Dr. Paul!
-Ron Paul
When Rob Paul says something like this, he sound less like a conservative and more like a libertarian. Keep at it Dr. Paul!
I'm fucking disgusted!!!
Think Moderate has just published another one of my pieces. If the first or second of my entries there didn't piss you off, this one will!
Life Imitating Life
Nothing needs to be said here...
Freedom of Speech,
Keith Olbermann,
Tuesday, 20 November 2007
An Excerpt...
The following entry starts mid-thought because it is an actual entry from my personal blog, however all the pertinent details are still intact... I hope
On my way in, there were a couple of gentlemen discussing religion, a subject of interest to me; so I eve dropped. One of the gents quoted something which resonated with me. Curious, I introduced myself and asked for more information, to which he informed that the quote is from Gospel according to Thomas from the Coptic Gospels.If only the religious right could figure this and take cleaning up the planet more seriously.
After a little research I learned that the Coptic Gospels are, if I understand them correctly, dialogues between Thomas and as well as some of Christ's "sayings". I always knew not all the gospels were included in the Bible, these, apparently, were one of them. After very little digging, I found the quote:
Whether you look under the stone or within the split wood, God is there.
The reason this struck a chord with me is because, in my mind, it encapsulate the omnipresence of God elegantly and I can see why the Roman Catholic church discarded it. In essence, it implies one does not need a church/temple/mosque/synagogue or what have you, in which to worship and dispels the concept of hallowed or consecrated ground as the whole planet is already such.
Quoting... Dr. Gregory House
You can't use logic on religious people, if you could, there's would be any religious people.
-Dr. Gregory House
-Dr. Gregory House
I support FOX News
It's true, and chances are, so do you! If you watch:
This list is just a tiny fraction of products and services under the giant umbrella that is Rupert Murdoch. Here's my dilemma: What do I do? Do I cease watching my favourite shows on FOX? Ethically, I should. How about practically?
Well, here's the thing, short of very independent "Mom & Pop" operations, if one goes far enough up the proverbial umbrella, one finds that few corporate entities own many many subsidiaries. Example: If you're a fanatical anti-smoker, do you stop purchasing Kraft products? Kraft is owned by The Philip Morris Tobacco Co., and this is but one example. Imagine all the products and services you use - now if you were to trace their parent companies, chances are you could find someone you would protest. Based on this one simple instance, it seems unreasonable to expect you to forgo everything made by an unpleasant corporation doesn't it? Then again, what's so unreasonable about adhering to one's principles?
I'm confused... especially now that The Simpsons is funny again.
- 24
- American Dad
- American Idol
- American's Most Wanted
- Are You Smarter That A Fifth Grader
- Back To You
- Bones
- Cops
- Don't Forget The Lyrics
- Family Guy
- Hell's Kitchen
- House
- King Of The Hill
- Kitchen Nightmare
- K-Ville
- Mad TV
- Nashville
- New Amsterdam
- The Next Great Band
- Prison Break
- The Simpsons
- So You Think You Can Dance?
- Talkshow With Spike Ferensten
- 'Till Death
- Anything released by 20th Century Fox
This list is just a tiny fraction of products and services under the giant umbrella that is Rupert Murdoch. Here's my dilemma: What do I do? Do I cease watching my favourite shows on FOX? Ethically, I should. How about practically?
Well, here's the thing, short of very independent "Mom & Pop" operations, if one goes far enough up the proverbial umbrella, one finds that few corporate entities own many many subsidiaries. Example: If you're a fanatical anti-smoker, do you stop purchasing Kraft products? Kraft is owned by The Philip Morris Tobacco Co., and this is but one example. Imagine all the products and services you use - now if you were to trace their parent companies, chances are you could find someone you would protest. Based on this one simple instance, it seems unreasonable to expect you to forgo everything made by an unpleasant corporation doesn't it? Then again, what's so unreasonable about adhering to one's principles?
I'm confused... especially now that The Simpsons is funny again.
Friday, 16 November 2007
Thursday, 15 November 2007
Not The Daily Show
The more and more I hear about the writers strike, the more and more I find myself siding with the writers. This little video encapsulates the whole fiasco rather succinctly in the style of TDS.
Miss The Daily Show?
Now that the WGA strike is in full swing, Daily Show viewers are already feeling the sting. Unlike other shows which have un-aired episodes already in the can, TDS is already in re-runs. With the strike said to last up to nine months, a torturous amount of time away from Jon Stewart, here is something that might tide you over, even if only for a little while - TheDailyShow.com where you can search the last nine years of TDS all in one convenient place. Although they already something like this before... I believe it was called YouTube, this is done by Comedy Central, so you know that the quality of the video is going to be good.
On a hunch, I punched in http://thecolbertreport.com and this came up:
On a hunch, I punched in http://thecolbertreport.com and this came up:

It's about time.
Health and safety 'extremists' damaging children's developmentI've already talked about how I loathe those warning labels that just make one feel like a complete imbecile and I am happy to see that there are people out there doing something about it (would be nice to see a similar movement here in North American as well) and finally saying it's okay to get hurt. that we don't have to be living in a bubble wrap world and personally I think it's about time.
Health and safety "extremists" were warned that they are hindering the development of children by wrapping them in cotton wool.
The Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents said it was "positively necessary" for youngsters to take part in activities which could lead to a twisted ankle or cut knee.
Instead, said chief executive Tom Mullarkey, they were being cosseted by "small-minded bureaucrats".
He said officials should concentrate on making Britain "as safe as necessary, not as safe as possible".
Mr Mullarkey said: "People have this perception of 'elf and safety' as something that restricts your life, rather than helping you to live fully and successfully.
Wednesday, 14 November 2007
One state solution? It's worth a shot...
Palestinian, Israeli scholars to advance one-state solution in London
Leading Palestinian and Israeli scholars and activists will be among the speakers at an unprecendented conference to explore a one-state solution, at the School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS) in London on 17-18 November.
Organized by the London One State Group and the SOAS Palestine Society, the conference, "Challenging the Boundaries: A Single State in Israel/Palestine," will explore new models for a just peace including binationalism, secular democracy, a 'state of all its citizens' and federalism.
The London conference comes as prominent politicians including US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice and UK Foreign Secretary David Milliband have recently warned that the window for implementing a two-state solution is fast closing. Israel has continued to block the establishment of a Palestinian state by accelerating its colonization of the occupied West Bank and tightening its starvation siege of the occupied Gaza Strip, even as Rice makes last ditch efforts to implement a partition.
While I don't nearly enough know as much as I should about the whole Israel/Palestine debacle, for as long as I can remember it has always been ever present on the world stage, rarely, if ever, in a positive light.
I feel like going up to the Israelis & Palestinians and saying, "Look! If you can't share, neither of you can have it, now go to your room."
Quoting... Steven Wright
Everyone dies instantly... It's the only way to die. You're alive... you're alive... you're alive... you're dead.
- Steven Wright
Where to now?
Readers may have noticed that lately I've posted very little as of late, and of those few posts even fewer have any commentary from me. The reason for this is simple - I'm exhausted.
I realise this tiny piece of the web is less than insignificant and will not change the world, but there was a time I had faith that things would get better. Last year in the United States, the Democrats won the House and the Senate sparking an ember of hope within me that all the wrongs of the six years previous would be righted as much as it could have been. But here we are, almost eleven months later and NOTHING!
The Democratic Party talked tough (well tough for the Democratic Party anyway) because they realised that the people wanted an end to war, so much so that the last mid-term elections became, in essence, became a referendum on ending the war. Pro-Iraq War? Vote GOP. Anti-Iraq War? Vote Democratic. The Democrats won. The people had spoken.
However, Bush's veto power has all but stripped the House of any power. If Mr. Bush does not get where we wants, he will, and has, vetoed his way there. Upon challenging a presidential veto the Congress, it seems, are unable to uphold said challenge. If memory serves me correctly (I have to go by memory as I am unable to find Bush's veto record ANYWHERE on line), prior to the last mid-term elections in Nov, 2006, he had used his veto power once in almost six years (he vetoed stem-cell research). In the past year, he's used it at least four or perhaps even five times and every single time his veto has withstood any challenge it had faced.
Now with Bush poised for yet another veto this time to bar $606 Billion for health, education and labour programmes I just know he will get his way yet again.
I feel all vented out. When things were bad I had used all the superlatives in my vocabulary to lambaste the current administration and policy makers, now that things are worse, I find I have nowhere to go.
I realise this tiny piece of the web is less than insignificant and will not change the world, but there was a time I had faith that things would get better. Last year in the United States, the Democrats won the House and the Senate sparking an ember of hope within me that all the wrongs of the six years previous would be righted as much as it could have been. But here we are, almost eleven months later and NOTHING!
The Democratic Party talked tough (well tough for the Democratic Party anyway) because they realised that the people wanted an end to war, so much so that the last mid-term elections became, in essence, became a referendum on ending the war. Pro-Iraq War? Vote GOP. Anti-Iraq War? Vote Democratic. The Democrats won. The people had spoken.
However, Bush's veto power has all but stripped the House of any power. If Mr. Bush does not get where we wants, he will, and has, vetoed his way there. Upon challenging a presidential veto the Congress, it seems, are unable to uphold said challenge. If memory serves me correctly (I have to go by memory as I am unable to find Bush's veto record ANYWHERE on line), prior to the last mid-term elections in Nov, 2006, he had used his veto power once in almost six years (he vetoed stem-cell research). In the past year, he's used it at least four or perhaps even five times and every single time his veto has withstood any challenge it had faced.
Now with Bush poised for yet another veto this time to bar $606 Billion for health, education and labour programmes I just know he will get his way yet again.
I feel all vented out. When things were bad I had used all the superlatives in my vocabulary to lambaste the current administration and policy makers, now that things are worse, I find I have nowhere to go.
How to make an angry American
This apparently came out in the summer, this is the first time I've seen it... All I could do was shake my head.
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