Readers may have noticed that lately I've posted very little as of late, and of those few posts even fewer have any commentary from me. The reason for this is simple - I'm exhausted.
I realise this tiny piece of the web is less than insignificant and will not change the world, but there was a time I had faith that things would get better. Last year in the United States, the Democrats won the House and the Senate sparking an ember of hope within me that all the wrongs of the six years previous would be righted as much as it could have been. But here we are, almost eleven months later and NOTHING!
The Democratic Party talked tough (well tough for the Democratic Party anyway) because they realised that the people wanted an end to war, so much so that the last mid-term elections became, in essence, became a referendum on ending the war. Pro-Iraq War? Vote GOP. Anti-Iraq War? Vote Democratic. The Democrats won. The people had spoken.
However, Bush's veto power has all but stripped the House of any power. If Mr. Bush does not get where we wants, he will, and has, vetoed his way there. Upon challenging a presidential veto the Congress, it seems, are unable to uphold said challenge. If memory serves me correctly (I have to go by memory as I am unable to find Bush's veto record ANYWHERE on line), prior to the last mid-term elections in Nov, 2006, he had used his veto power once in almost six years (he vetoed stem-cell research). In the past year, he's used it at least four or perhaps even five times and every single time his veto has withstood any challenge it had faced.
Now with Bush poised for yet another veto this time to bar $606 Billion for health, education and labour programmes I just know he will get his way yet again.
I feel all vented out. When things were bad I had used all the superlatives in my vocabulary to lambaste the current administration and policy makers, now that things are worse, I find I have nowhere to go.
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