Friday, 14 December 2007

What The Fuck Man???

U.S. Publisher Takes American Price Off Magazines To Charge Canadians More

Is it dirty pool or simply smart business? Whatever you decide, it's not a story you're likely to read in a magazine. After months of being hammered over Canadians paying higher prices for U.S. goods despite the higher value of the loonie, one American firm has apparently found a way around it - they've simply removed any trace of the U.S. price for their items sold in Canada.

SOURCE: CityNews
H/T: Darrell F.

All protocol and decorum is being abandoned for this entry. WHAT THE FUCK MAN??? I'm truly sick of the Canadian consumer getting screwed at every turn. For years, when I used to buy magazines, I would look upon the USD price with Envy, and for a split second wished that I too lived the in the land of the green-back, but now that the shoe's on the other foot...

The company maintains it was simply trying to end the confusion for Canucks about the price difference and why it was there in the first place.

What a load of ox shit! There was little confusion for the dual priced magazine cover when the USD / CAD exchange rate favoured the Americans. We in Canada knew that the Loonie was not doing so well against the US Dollar, and so we forked out the extra cash. Seems logical, yes? If there is any confusion, it's why when the exchange rate now favours Canadians, do the the American publishers think that we'll keep paying the extra money!

If I still read any American magazines, this alone would be enough for me stop purchasing their rags all together. If Canadians still buy American magazines at "Canadian" prices despite the current exchange, then they deserve to take it up the tail pipe.


Nhi said...

It's just like the price of gasoline. When the price of crude is high, you see it at the pumps right away. When it's low, they say it won't be reflected for another 2-3 months. It's total bull.

2Shay said...

Good point Nhi. It seems as consumers we're so willing to take it up the tail pipe, most of us bring our own lube.

Nhi said...

Gross but accurate, Shay!