Wednesday, 23 January 2008

Violence In Kenya ***Update***

Maybe I've been out of Kenya for too long. Maybe I've lost touch with pulse of my birth nation - actually there's probably no maybe about it. I have.

Regular readers are aware of my attempt to go visit Kenya three weeks ago. Since, I have tried to keep abreast of the goings on in this now struggling East-African nation.

While I'm not privy to the initial trigger of the violence I can't help but ask what the Kenyan Populace is thinking. I understand the frustration of the locals. I grew up under Daniel Moi's regime. I still remember the growing up under all the limitations imposed by the government - true, I was probably still too young to be directly affected by government policies, but I still remember.

At least on some level, I would like to think I can empathise with the Kenyan people - while I do, I don't understand the tactics the understandably disgruntled citizenry are employing. What seems like random and ethnically based violence does so very little for the country as a whole.

A country whose chief source of foreign currency is tourism should hardly be creating the sort of violence that triggers travel advisories.

Kenya was once hailed as a bastion of stability in an otherwise unstable region. It pains me to say this is no longer. Kenya was on the way to becoming a strong nation, both economically and socially and now it seems that this once promising nation has been set back decades in less than one month.

I truly wish the Kenyan people put their frustration in check and try to see the bigger picture of a country called Kenya.

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