They can "copy" a fifth grader's answer. They can "peek" at a fifth grader's answer and choose whether or not to use that answer. Finally they have a "save", whereby if they get an answer wrong and the fifth grader gets it right, they can be saved.

Out of morbid curiosity, I downloaded the show. I won't comment as the show will speak for itself.
Contestant One graduated UCLA with a 3.0 GPA
Question one: (worth $1000)
Subject: First Grade Social Studies
Question: In what month do we observe Columbus Day?
Contestant's Answer: September
Fifth Grader Answer: October
Actual Answer: October
Contestant was "save"d
Question two: (worth $2000)
Subject: First Grade Animal Science
Question: Polar bears typically feed on Pengiuns - True or False?
Contestant's Answer: True
Fifth Grader Answer: False
Actual Answer: False
Contestant "Peek"ed and chose fifth grader's answer
It was then pointed out that polar bears and penguins reside at opposite ends of the globe.
Question three: (worth $5000)
Subject: Fourth Grade Math
Question: If a triangle has an area of 16 square inches and a base of 8 inches, how long is it's height?
Contestant's Answer: 1 inch
Fifth Grader Answer: 4 inches
Actual Answer: 4 inches
Contestant "copy"ed [sic]
Question four: (worth $10,000)
Subject: Fourth Grade History
Question: Who was the first US President to be impeached?
Contestant's Answer: Took the money and ran, but guessed John Quincy Adams
Fifth Grader Answer: Andrew Johnson
Actual Answer: Andrew Johnson
And what was his major at UCLA? US HISTORY!!!
The contestant walked away with $5,000 without getting a single question right!!!
At this point I deleted the file out of fear that it would make my computer stupid.
"At this point I deleted the file out of fear that it would make my computer stupid."
HAHA great line! Darrell and I watched some of it last night. I thought it was hilarious and I was also glad I wasn't a contestant on that show. Some of those questions were hard!
At any rate, Foxworthy had a great line last night. When he asked the contestant what he would do if he won the $1 million, the contestant said he'd take his wife on a shopping spree, put his kid through college. He also said he'd by the Lambourghini he always wanted and get it custom painted in a camoflauge. Without missing a beat foxworthy said:
"That's not even 'You might be a redneck' that's 'You ARE a redneck' Only a redneck would spend $250,000 on a car and paint it so noone could see it."
Heh heh, Now THAT'S funny! Even in the episode I watched, I was glad Foxworthy wasn't shy when taking jabs at the contestants.
And you're right some question were difficult, but I think that's because they were very American. I had trouble with the American based questions too as I grew up in another part of the world.
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