Aside from the medical applications, is this something a woman would buy, and if they did, would then admit to it? It just seems a little far fetched; especially after having read the instructions where you have the option of throwing it away or replacing it with your belongings in a resealable bag. Seems a better way to go would have been to have disposable bio-degradable sleeves. I don't know... perhaps I'm taking my stubby shelayle's portable urination mechanism for granted.
I remember seeing this product awhile back. Probably before it got such a snappy name as Sheewee (I think I would have remembered that). I just like saying it...sheeweeeee....Anyway, Tanya has always complained about how lucky men are (especially when we're camping) that we can just go anywhere. But I bet if it came down to it, she wouldn't buy one. Where would you put it when you were done? It would have to be cleaned and stored for further use...Way to much work.
BTW, doesn't the design remind you a bit of those plastic scoops you played with in elementary school gym class? You know the ones you used to catch and throw balls with?
Heh heh, that's what I was thinking too, Al. I just can't see women putting a urine soaked object back in their purse (even if it is in a ziplock bag).
And now that you mention it, does look like the ball throwing scoops
Is it me or does that look like someone found a new use for those old oil funnels. You know the kind you used to jab though the can when oil actually came in metal cans.
Recycling is the way of the future. Once they are done as Shewees(that name is beyond vapid btw)they can sell them to Japanese men as sex toys, then boil them and sell them back to the grade schools for the use Al mentioned.
Who said being green isn't easy? LOL
I believe it was Kermit. Speaking of which, may I suggest:
Over at Al's "This is me breathing"
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