Thursday, 15 November 2007

It's about time.

Health and safety 'extremists' damaging children's development

Health and safety "extremists" were warned that they are hindering the development of children by wrapping them in cotton wool.

The Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents said it was "positively necessary" for youngsters to take part in activities which could lead to a twisted ankle or cut knee.

Instead, said chief executive Tom Mullarkey, they were being cosseted by "small-minded bureaucrats".

He said officials should concentrate on making Britain "as safe as necessary, not as safe as possible".

Mr Mullarkey said: "People have this perception of 'elf and safety' as something that restricts your life, rather than helping you to live fully and successfully.

I've already talked about how I loathe those warning labels that just make one feel like a complete imbecile and I am happy to see that there are people out there doing something about it (would be nice to see a similar movement here in North American as well) and finally saying it's okay to get hurt. that we don't have to be living in a bubble wrap world and personally I think it's about time.


Nhi said...

Totally agree. Unfortunately, our increasingly litigious and fear-based society only feeds into all this extra caution.

2Shay said...

And therein lies the problem, Nhi. We need to take a step back, look at our actions and inactions alike and see where we're heading! Sometimes I just feel as though the world needs a re-boot.

Anonymous said...

I'm all in favour of a reboot. Unfortuantely the issue would invariably end up being, "Reboot to what? Dinosaurs or Adam and Eve?"

2Shay said...

Well if the creationists are to be believed, they are the same time.

You do, however, raise an interesting yet disheartening point... is there any point in human history worth living in? Sadly I cannot think of one where it was a good time for everyone.

Nhi said...

Boy is that ever depressing.

2Shay said...

I thought so too, Nhi. What a sad commentary on the human species.

Have no fear though, Shay is here. I have thought of a period in history which puts us all on a level playing field... The Stone Age... a bliss time in human history where we were ALL screwed!