"This was the movie that dethroned Titanic from 15 weeks atop the U.S. box office. (answer)"
The answer is, if you haven't guessed by the image over yonder, is Lost in Space.
Yes, that's right, Lost in Space, even if the film has no cinematic credentials whatsoever, that fact that it knocked Titanic of the top of the box office charts carries a lot of water with me. I loathed Titanic. It was a waste of great special effects.
Also, you may have notice that I am trying to refrain from using "movie". As it turns out, "movie" is a N. American colloquialism and not an actual word in the British English dictionary; and me being the snobbish elitist that I am, will now try to amend my erroneous ways.
I know this will probably degrade your opinion of me—if you even had one to begin with—but I thought Titanic was actually quite good. I really don't understand why it is hated so much...well, I actually do understand...it can be fashionable to hate something so successful just as it is fashionable to love low-budget, crappy indie flicks. Mind you, I don't think I could sit through the entire film again (I was forced to watch it more than once when it was in theatres) I will not join the elitist masses in the bashing of this film. I will give you this, if I hear Celine Dion's 'My heart will go on' one more time, I might just have to break the neck of the person nex to me.
Don't give it a second thought Al. You're free to like and enjoy what ever you like.
You're right, it can "fashionable" to hate and love certain things, but that's does not negate the fact that some people may genuinely love or hate something.
In my case, my loathing for this particular film goes back to its opening weekend. I remember seeing it at The Burlington 8 with a bunch of guys. I had neither heard anything about it nor had I gotten caught up in the hype of Titanic. My gripe with the film stems from its initial marketing. From the previews I thought I was going in to see a disaster film. The sinking and subsequent breaking of the ship was an awesome sight, not to mention the falling bodies. The interiors and attention to detail was indeed virtually flawless. But... it was chick flick! I want my eight dollars and three hours of lost time back! I cringed at the quartet's stiff upper lip while everyone about them were losing their heads. Perhaps I saw the film in the wrong state of mind, but I blame the marketers for that...
Re: the Dion song, I say this with no jest whatsoever, but I would, on behalf of humankind, donate my left nut to see that song wiped out of existence!
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